Repurchasing Agreement Ne Demek

Repurchasing Agreement Ne Demek: Understanding the Basics

A repurchasing agreement, also known as a repo, is a financial transaction in which a seller agrees to repurchase a security or asset from a buyer at a later date. The buyer agrees to purchase the asset at a certain price and then sell it back to the seller at a higher price, earning a profit in the process. But what does “repurchasing agreement ne demek” mean? In this article, we`ll explore the basics of repurchasing agreements and what it means in Turkish.

Repurchasing Agreement – A Brief Overview

A repurchasing agreement is a type of short-term borrowing commonly used in the financial markets. It involves the sale of a security or asset to a buyer, with the agreement that the seller will purchase the same security or asset back at a later date. The difference between the selling price and the repurchase price is the interest earned by the buyer.

The term “repo” is derived from the phrase “sale and repurchase agreement.” Repos are generally used in debt markets, such as the bond market. Government securities, corporate bonds, and municipal bonds are some of the most commonly used securities in repo transactions.

Repurchasing Agreement Ne Demek?

In Turkish, “repurchasing agreement ne demek?” translates to “yeniden satın alma anlaşması ne anlama geliyor?” or “what does repurchasing agreement mean?” It refers to the same concept as explained above – a financial transaction in which a seller agrees to buy back a security or asset from a buyer at a later date.

Repos are commonly used in the Turkish financial markets as well. They are used by banks, investment firms, and other financial institutions to secure short-term funding. They are also used by central banks to manage liquidity in the financial system.

Types of Repurchasing Agreements

There are two types of repurchasing agreements – the “term repo” and the “overnight repo.” In a term repo, the repurchase date is fixed, and the transaction can last anywhere from a few days to several months. In an overnight repo, the transaction is settled on the next business day.

In a term repo, the buyer can earn a higher interest rate than in an overnight repo because of the longer period involved. However, term repos are also riskier because of the longer period involved. There is a higher chance that the seller may default on the repurchase agreement.


In conclusion, a repurchasing agreement, or a repo, is a financial transaction in which a seller agrees to repurchase a security or asset from a buyer at a later date. In Turkish, “repurchasing agreement ne demek?” refers to the same concept. Repos are commonly used in the financial markets to secure short-term funding and manage liquidity. There are two types of repos – the term repo and the overnight repo. Understanding the basics of repurchasing agreements can be helpful for those working in the financial industry or those looking to invest in the Turkish financial markets.