Holistic Approach

Nāsatyā Holistic Therapy

Holistic therapy, also known as holistic health or holistic medicine, is an approach to healthcare that considers the individual as a whole, taking into account their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The fundamental principle of holistic therapy is that these aspects of a person are interconnected and interdependent, and imbalances in one area can affect the others. Rather than focusing solely on treating symptoms, Nāsatyā Holistic Therapy aims to address the root causes of health issues and promote overall wellness. The Healing process in Nāsatyā Holistic Therapy combine the use of Nāsatyā Herbal Products with Eternity Meditation in order to activate true self- consciousness to bring the positive aura & repel negative energy.

In the world of medicine we know the term psychosomatic disorder where a person feels pain but when they go to the hospital / laboratory the results state that the person is healthy. A psychosomatic disorder, also known as psychophysiological or somatoform disorder, refers to a condition in which psychological factors, such as stress, anxiety, or emotional distress. This psychosomatic disorder cannot be solved with drugs but can be cured by doing proper meditation.

Apart from being the founder of Nasatya Herbal, Mr. Nyoto Subagio is also a spiritual teacher who has studied meditation for decades. The Eternity Meditation is a meditation technique that he has developed in a way that is easy to understand and easy to practice. With this meditation, we can learn the meaning of positive energy and negative energy. The guidance is not complicated and easy to follow, but it requires those who learn it to do each step correctly with the utmost sincerity to achieve the maximum results.

Doing the Eternity Meditation regularly will eventually make our body cells healthier, which in turn will strengthen our internal system and optimize the functions of our organs. The hormones and enzymes released by the body will be balanced and the metabolism can work in maximum capacity. The healthy cells will radiate positive energy from your body and emit much stronger aura. As your energy grows exponentially, life will feel more vibrant and you will be more enthusiastic to go through your daily activities. You can do anything with ease end enjoy the true happiness life has to offer.