Agreement by Side

Agreement by Side: A Simple Guide to Understanding This Legal Term

When it comes to legal terminologies, understanding the meaning of each term can be quite daunting. One such term is “Agreement by Side.” The term may not be familiar to everyone, but it is a crucial agreement that exists in many legal contexts. In this article, we will provide a simple guide to understanding Agreement by Side.

What is Agreement by Side?

Agreement by Side, also known as a unilateral agreement, is a legal agreement where only one party is legally bound to perform an action. In other words, it`s a one-sided contract. The agreement is created when one party promises to do something in exchange for something else. The other party, on the other hand, is not required to do anything.

Examples of Agreement by Side

Agreement by Side exists in many legal contexts. Here are some examples:

1. Donation: A person can donate their property to a charitable organization. In this case, the person making the donation is making an Agreement by Side, as they are promising to give the property to the organization without receiving anything in return.

2. Reward: A company may offer a reward for information leading to the arrest of a criminal. In this case, the person providing the information is not obligated to provide the information, but if they do, they are entitled to receive the reward. This is an example of an Agreement by Side.

3. Unilateral Contracts: A unilateral contract is a type of Agreement by Side that is created when one party offers a reward for the completion of a particular task. For instance, a company may offer a reward for anyone who finds their lost property. In this case, the person who finds the lost property has the option to claim the reward, but they are not obligated to do so.

Benefits of Agreement by Side

An Agreement by Side comes with several benefits, including:

1. Less legal disputes: Since only one party is legally bound to perform an action, there are fewer chances of legal disputes.

2. Quick resolution: Agreement by Side can be resolved quickly since it only involves one party.

3. Cost-effective: Agreement by Side tends to be less costly than other legal agreements since it doesn`t involve both parties.


Agreement by Side is an important legal concept that can be found in many legal contexts. It`s crucial to understand the meaning of Agreement by Side to avoid any confusion in legal matters. By understanding the term and its applications, you can ensure that you are entering into a legally binding agreement and can make informed decisions when drafting or reviewing legal documents.